بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
I am so excited to present this All About Me Islamic Unit to you. I created it for my daughter to kick off the homeschool year, but you can use it anytime through out the year.
Below, you’ll find a link to download all the resources I used for free. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.
For a break down of the unit and the lessons, watch the video below.
It’s a great opportunity to learn how to teach curriculum subjects with Islamic goals.
I create each unit and the lesson for specific academic and Islamic goals. And I design my lessons in a systemic sequence that allows the child to develop the necessary knowledge and skills so that our goal is achieved at the end.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification button, so that you know whenever I release a video inshallah.
This All About Me unit is truly unique to the typical All About Me units you’ll find around the net. That’s because it centers the child’s Islamic identity while also promoting good character and family relations from an Islamic perspective.

Knowing about yourself, your interests, strengths, and where you fit in the world are extremely important for one’s self-esteem, especially in a world where our children feel they need to put on a persona to be accepted and “likeable”.
The goal of this unit is to enhance the identity of the Muslim child.

I created the lessons with the following objectives:
- To teach my child that she has a story and comes from somewhere. To understand that she is a unique individual
- To understand that, most importantly, she is a servant of Allaah, created by Him for the sake of His worship, jala wa ‘alaa.
- For the child to understand, that the most important aspect of your identity is your character. This is what matters when we return to Allaah, not your background, looks, or interests.
- Being part of a family is a blessing and it shapes your identity.
- To appreciate and get accustomed to using Islamic texts to understand life and derive perspectives from.
This unit also seeks to gradually develop writing skills without making the task seem so big.

First the child is asked to write sentences based on the information he/she wrote about themselves. A checklist helps them edit for conventions. Then, they are to gather more details and organize them under headings. After that, they use the organized ideas to writing a rough draft for a paragraph about themselves. Lastly, after both child and teacher have edited the work, the child publishes a good copy of the paragraph.
The All About My Family lessons also encourage writing. A template is offered to help the child get started. This activity asks the child to create an introduction to a movie about their family, by introducing the cast (their family members).

This activity can be extended by asking the child to create a powerpoint presentation or an animated slide show to introduce their family as though they were cast members of a movie or game show.
This would provide a fantastic opportunity to learn some computer and design skills as well as public speaking skills. So have them present it to you or the family.
For more specific details and breakdown of how to use this unit, and help on how to use each activity/worksheet, watch this video:
Amazing work.
May the Almighty Allah swt grant you your wishes in this world and in the hereafter insha’Allah.
Allahumma ameen and to you and all the Muslims as well! I’m so happy you like it Saumu.
As salaamu’alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. BarakAllah Feek.
Education is not merely for the sake of intellectual amusement, rather it is meant to build the Islamic Personality, in intellect and disposition, that strives to attain Allah’s pleasure in ALL actions and statements.
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JazakAllah khairan! May Allah bless you and your loved ones and give you much success and all those working to bring up strong grounded Muslims isA!! Love these worksheets, we will use them as a first day of Sunday school activity for the younger grades!