Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

If you hate teaching writing, I’m pretty sure it’s only because you don’t understand what and how to teach. I know how that feels.

Teaching writing can seem like a daunting task. It seems confusing. It can be frustrating. But I promise, it only feels that way because you may not have a clear idea of what teaching writing means. What is the goal of the writing strand anyway?

In the video below, I am going to simplify the writing curriculum for you. When I say curriculum, I mean the technical stuff that is written in curriculum documents.

I know, these curriculum expectations sound foreign to even trained teachers. But it’s really not that complicated, inshallah. I’ll show you.

You just need to understand what writing is and what is the end goal.

Here, at MakkahCentric Education, I like to have an Islamic objective for everything we learn and teach, and writing is no different!

Why is writing important for Muslims?

The end goal for teaching writing is to produce Muslim writers who can effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas in written published form for an intended audience in a way that will influence or impact the reader for a good cause.

That was a lot to take in. But I’ll break it all down in the video.

Writing is a powerful form of communication, and as Muslims we are, or supposed to be (as is evident in our history) an eloquent nation.

Effective writing is important for dawah, to enjoin good, and forbid evil, and to defend the truth, and promote or support righteous causes.

It’s also important for teaching and building relationships with others.

Writing has so many uses, but we want to instill in our children, the religious responsibility of excellence in writing, so that they can have an impact on others through published work.

So how do we get there?

How do we get from words and ideas to published work?

That’s what most writing curricula aim to accomplish over the course of a student’s school life.

So in this video, I am going to simplify and break down what the goals of the writing curriculum are and what you are looking to teach during the academic year.

You’ll learn:

  • the goal of writing
  • the importance for Muslims to be good writers
  • generating, gathering, developing, and organizing ideas
  • teaching different forms and styles of writing to communicate ideas
  • teaching spelling, grammar, and punctuation but not making it the main focus
  • the writing process
  • the need for feedback and tracking progress via student portfolios

After you watch this video, inshallah, you feel far more confident in knowing what to teach. The curriculum documents will start to make a lot more sense, and you will finally understand what all these graphic organizers and checklists are intended for!

Next week, I’ll go over the different forms of writing, so be sure to subscribe to my channel and join my mailing list!

If you have any questions, just let me know here in the comments section and I’ll be happy to answer.

The goal is to help you be more intentional and effective in your teaching and lesson planning, inshallah.

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